Habits that cause car engines to fail quickly

Like all other machines, cars need regular care and maintenance to function properly. Of all the parts that make up a car, the engine is the most important. However, some drivers have accidentally made mistakes while driving, adversely affecting the engine. Here are the 7 most common habits that owners are prone to making that seriously damage your car's engine life.

Do not leave the engine ready

If you start moving right after starting, the owner will cause expensive engine parts to wear out and be damaged because the lubricant hasn't circulated all the details.

After starting the car, we should let the engine have time to start, warm up, and circulate the engine oil smoothly through the details. Once the engine oil circulation is complete (it takes about two minutes ) and the engine has reached its optimum operating temperature, the driver can accelerate and move.

Step on the gas and keep using the brake

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If the driver fails to maintain a steady speed while driving and continuously applies the brake, the driver will cause serious damage to the rotor, disc and drum . This leads to wear and tear on brake components and makes them less effective in emergency situations. Therefore, ensuring to maintain speed and avoiding constant use of the brake can help reduce the wear and tear of the engine's brake components.

Frequently pedaling

Đạp côn một cách không cần thiết trong điều kiện giao thông đông đúc hoặc khi lái xe đường dài là một thói quen phổ biến nhưng ít ai biết rằng hành vi này cũng có thể gây hại cho "xế cưng", dẫn đến mài mòn sớm và rách đĩa ly hợp và thậm chí là những hư hỏng nghiêm trọng khác.

Không để số ly hợp phù hợp với tốc độ

Nếu không giảm số động cơ khi giảm tốc độ, tài xế đang làm cho động cơ của mình hoạt động mạnh hơn so với mức cần thiết. Điều này có thể gây hư hỏng động cơ vì nó làm tăng nhiệt độ, khiến chúng hoạt động kém hiệu quả hơn và gây ra các vấn đề về tuổi thọ. Do đó, hãy luôn điều phối việc chuyển số của ô tô phù hợp với tốc độ xe đang chạy.

Bỏ qua bảo trì thường xuyên

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All machines need regular maintenance. Neglecting proper inspection and maintenance will lead to many problems and can be much more costly to fix. Regular engine oil changes are also essential for smooth engine operation.

Continuous acceleration

The constant increase in speed causes unnecessary heat and friction in the car engine as well as puts extra pressure on other components such as the tires. Maintain a stable and optimal driving speed so that your car's engine parts are less stressed, helping to extend engine life better.

Sudden shutdown of turbocharged engine

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The turbocharger is efficient, economical and provides more power to the vehicle. However, these engines get very hot when the vehicle is operating at full capacity. If the engine is suddenly stopped after a long period of intense running, the oil in the turbine is still boiling, damaging the internal components of the engine. So, if using a turbocharged vehicle, make sure not to turn off the engine immediately after a long ride. We should gradually reduce the speed when approaching the destination or let the car not move but still turn on the engine for a few minutes to create stability for the transmission system.

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